Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Robert Herjavec's Dos and Don'ts: From Cryptocurrency to #Cyber Hygiene

Robert Herjavec's Dos and Don'ts: From Cryptocurrency to #Cyber Hygiene #SharkTank

Announcing the May 2018 Git Security Vulnerability

Announcing the May 2018 #Git #Security Vulnerability

ICYMI - dbachecks – Dark Mode Historical Validation #PowerBi

ICYMI - dbachecks – Dark Mode Historical Validation #PowerBi RT @sqldbawithbeard "ICYMI - dbachecks – Dark Mode Historical Validation #PowerBi - "

Create Function from Variable Value I

Create Function from Variable Value I #PowerShell

YouTube content to Twitter posts with PowerShell & Time Triggered Azure Function

YouTube content to Twitter posts with PowerShell & Time Triggered Azure Function

Batch file to create backups of files to remote network paths using date and time stamps

Robocopy example rem batch file to create backups of files to remote network paths using date and time stamps FOR /f "tokens=1-5 delims=/- " %%a in ('date /t') DO SET XDate=%%d%%b%%c FOR /f "tokens=1-5 delims=/- " %%a in ('date /t') DO SET XSDate=%%d%%b FOR /f "tokens=1-2 delims=: " %%a in ('time /t') DO SET XTime=%%a%%b Echo "%XSDate%\%XDate%\%XDate%_%XTime%" set PW=Somepass1@@ set USR=Install rem set SOUPATH=Internal set SOUPATH=Dev_Local rem set LAB=DSCLIVE set LAB=DSCLAB set ROLE=DC1 net use M: \\%Lab%%Role%\c$\%SOUPATH% %PW% /user:%usr% Robocopy C:\Dev_Local M:\Backup\Code_Backup\%Lab%_%XDate%_%XTime%\%Lab%%Role% *.* /S /Z /XF *.EXE *.MSI *.ISO net use m: /delete

How to Create Encrypted Zip or 7z Archives on Any Operating System

How to Create Encrypted Zip or 7z Archives on Any Operating System